Signs of Nerve Damage After Car Accident

Aug 5, 2024

Signs of Nerve Damage After Car AccidentHave you been feeling any pins and needles after a car accident? Sometimes, dealing with the aftermath of an accident isn’t just about obvious injuries. Nerve damage is one of those sneaky consequences that can sneak up on you, causing a variety of symptoms that might not show up right away. Learning the signs of nerve damage after a car accident and knowing where to go for treatment can make all the difference in you making a full recovery and getting back to feeling like yourself again.

What Does Nerve Damage Feel Like?

  • Nerve damage after a car accident can show up in several ways, depending on where you’ve been injured and how severe it is. Nerves send signals between your brain and the rest of your body, so when they’re damaged, these signals can get disrupted. Here are some examples of what nerve damage from car accident injuries might feel like:
  • “Pins and Needles” Sensation: You might experience a tingling sensation in the affected area, which many people call “pins and needles”, like that feeling when your foot falls asleep from your legs being crossed.
  • Burning Pain: A burning or searing pain is a common symptom of nerve damage. Pain from nerve damage can be constant or intermittent and may get worse over time, especially if left untreated.
  • Sharp, Shooting Pain: Some people describe the pain from nerve damage as a sudden, sharp, shooting pain that travels along the nerve pathway.
  • Numbness: Losing the feeling in certain parts of the body can be another sign of nerve damage. You may realize that it’s harder to notice things like temperature changes or pressure in the area.
  • Weakness: Nerve damage can also lead to muscle weakness or even muscle atrophy in severe cases. You might notice that certain muscles don’t work like they used to, or you may struggle with tasks that were typically part of your regular routines.

5 Car Accident Injuries That Could Cause Nerve Damage

Unfortunately, many different types of injuries caused by a car accident can lead to nerve damage. Here are 5 examples of car accident injuries that can cause nerve damage.

  • Whiplash: Whiplash occurs when your head and neck are suddenly jolted forward and then back, especially common in rear-end collisions. This rapid movement can strain muscles, cause inflammation, and put pressure on the nerves in your neck and upper back, leading to nerve damage and other symptoms.
  • Herniated Discs: The impact of a car accident can cause the discs between your vertebrae to crack or bulge. When a disc herniates, it can aggravate nearby nerves, leading to pain, numbness, and other symptoms of nerve damage.
  • Fractures and Dislocations: Broken bones or dislocated joints can also damage surrounding nerves. For example, a broken arm can lead to nerve damage if a nearby nerve gets compressed or severed by the bone.
  • Concussions: A concussion is a type of severe head injury that can damage nerves in the brain, leading to a wide range of symptoms, including cognitive issues, motor function problems, and more.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: A spinal cord injury is one of the most severe types of nerve damage and can lead to loss of sensation, paralysis, and other life-altering consequences.

Treatment Options for Nerve Damage

Treatment Options for Nerve DamageIf you suspect nerve damage after a car accident, it’s important to seek treatment from your Marietta car accident doctor right away. Depending on the type and severity of the nerve damage, your car accident doctor can create a personalized treatment plan to help relieve your symptoms and address the root cause of the nerve damage.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors diagnose and treat a wide range injuries, including car accident injuries that lead to nerve damage. Through non-invasive techniques like spinal adjustments, a car accident chiropractor can help alleviate pressure on nerves, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Chiropractic care can be especially effective for nerve damage related to whiplash, herniated discs, and other spinal injuries.

Neurological Assessment

A neurologist specializes in diagnosing and treating nervous system disorders. If your nerve damage is more severe or complex, a neurologist can conduct a thorough evaluation using advanced diagnostic tools to test the functioning of your nerves. They can also prescribe medications to manage pain and inflammation and may even recommend additional specialized treatments like nerve blocks.

Orthopedic Treatment

Orthopedic doctors treat a variety of injuries and conditions that affect your entire musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, and muscles. If your nerve damage is related to a broken bone, dislocated joint, or other orthopedic injuries, a car accident orthopedic doctor can provide you with a thorough treatment plan. In some cases, your orthopedic doctor may recommend surgery to repair damaged nerves or treat a broken bone.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical therapy is a key part of the recovery process for many people dealing with nerve damage after a car accident. A physical therapist can create a personalized exercise program designed to help you regain strength, improve mobility, and reduce nerve pain. They may also use treatment techniques like ultrasound therapy or therapeutic massage to help your nerves heal and restore healthy functioning.

Marietta Car Accident Doctors Near You

At AICA Orthopedics in Marietta, our team of car accident doctors includes chiropractors, neurologists, orthopedic doctors, and physical therapists who work together to provide a comprehensive approach to your care. We understand the complexities of nerve damage and are equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and treatment options to help you recover fully. Whether you’re dealing with whiplash, a herniated disc, or any type of injury that could lead to nerve damage, we have the knowledge and experience to help you heal.

If you’ve been in a car accident and are experiencing symptoms of nerve damage, don’t wait to seek treatment. The sooner you get started with a comprehensive treatment plan, the better your chances are of making a full recovery. Call AICA Orthopedics in Marietta today to schedule your consultation with our team of car accident doctors.


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